Hi 👋 I'm Adrian!
I am a, 🎓 senior B.S. Honors Computer & Business @ Lehigh University, 🔬 Researcher @ Scalable Systems & Software Research Group in Blockchain Lab, and Fmr. President of the CSBA!
Thanks for popping by! My name is Adrian Michael Ross and I am a fourth-year undergraduate and researcher at Lehigh University working towards a dually accredited honors degree in computer science and business.
I am studying at Lehigh University, PA, within the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the College of Business and Economics. My focuses are in ⛓ blockchain, 💰 fintech, and 📊 data science, doing research in the former and minors in the latter.
I also enjoy ☕ making coffee, 🎿 skiing, 🍳 cooking, and 🎹 playing the piano.
📚 Education
MAJOR: Computer Science & Business 🎓
MINORS: Data Science & FinTech
The Computer Science & Business honors program is a special program at Lehigh that is both ABET and AACSB accredited, meaning it is a full computer science and full business degree. I learn everything a computer science student learns, everything a business major learns, and how these disciplines interact in the modern world. At the time of my enrollment, only 40 students were admitted to the program each year.
🧠 Skills
Programming Languages
Proficient: Python, Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, C/C++
Familiar: HTML/CSS, Rust, GoLang, C#, R, Solidity, LaTeX
SWE Tools
Proficient: SQL, React, Node.js, Gatsby, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes
Familiar: GraphQL, Firebase, AWS, Azure